Customizing a bulleted list in Word

When you make bulletin list in MS Word, you don't need to use plain dashes, dotes or some other plain bullets. You can nicely customize it and use some of plenty available images.
When you made a list, select it and right-click on it. Then, chose "Bullets and Numbering". You can chose some of that you see there but better go to Customize. Then, click on "Picture" button. MS Word will go on internet then, and show you big variety of available images for bullets. Chose one you would like to use in your list and go OK. Simple as that.
When you made a list, select it and right-click on it. Then, chose "Bullets and Numbering". You can chose some of that you see there but better go to Customize. Then, click on "Picture" button. MS Word will go on internet then, and show you big variety of available images for bullets. Chose one you would like to use in your list and go OK. Simple as that.
Labels: Word